Library usage statistics
People counters
There are several types of traffic counters, the simplest being based on the order of passage in front of the infrared barriers built into the security gate. More accurate data is collected by camera-based traffic counters. These are either based on software that can be installed on certain (Axis) IP cameras, or are stereo camera or thermal camera devices specifically designed for traffic counting, but there are also non-camera, non image-capturing devices based on distance (depth of field) measurement.
The camera based solutions can capture images, but because the traffic counting algorithm runs on the camera itself, the stream can be disabled or set to a low-resolution black and white image.
The camera can be queried via a separate API to retrieve the in and out pass numbers, which are kept for about 3 months by the camera itself. We also store this data in 15-minute resolution on a separate server, where you can query the passages with any resolution you like and even see the current data.
Device usage statistics
In addition to the traffic counter data, statistics on the use of other RFID devices in the library can also be retrieved via a web interface.
Item identifiers captured by security gates, loan/ return and renewal operations performed on the self-check machines and their results (without storing personal data, only item identifiers and bookmarks). Returns performed on bibliobox and dropbox devices and their results, operations performed on the locker (fill up, pick-up, return requests,..) and the current status of the devices can also be tracked.
Tagging data
A könyvtárban már felcímkézett állományt is tárolni szoktuk egy külön erre a célra létrehozott adatbázisban. Rögzítésre kerül a címkézést végző azonosítója, a címkézés ideje és az RFID címkékben tárolt adat és a címke egyedi azonosítója (TID) is, annak érdekében, ha később vissza kellene keresni valamit. De egyben ez egy leltárt is jelent, az így előálló példányazonosítókat visszatöltve a könyvtári rendszerbe lehetőség nyílik az elveszett, rossz helyre került stb. példányok kilistázására is.